Thursday, December 11, 2008

a poem about Christmas or Spring?

Spring; thou art close to the gates of our field,
When we are preparing for the partying friends.
Christmas, we celebrate thee in our hearts,
Wintry December lightens in our green memories of the past

"me said this poem bro"

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Madinnah, Spring 2008

How I miss Hajj

I used to take practical Muslims as radical people. Then I changed and put a difference between being a true believer in God and a radical man. Now there is metamorphosis even deeper than what I expected. Faith in God helps humanity survive, no matter how practical you are or in what religion you find it.

My journey to Medinna and Mecca, spring this year, gave me a pause. I didn't expect it! I don't know whether the reader of these words has experienced Hajj or not? But as I should explain my journey to Islam, I would rather say that I expected a castle of opulence and luxury. Much to my surprise the very first look at the four black walls of Kabba rid me of all the burden I had carried all 28 years of my life as a human. I was depressed at the first sight but freed at the end.
One could find the people turning around the house of God as one stream of mankind, wearing no luxurious outfits but a towel in white and walking in bare feet! We all were as one! One nation, one dream, one God! How I miss Hajj, and how I wish to go back to the Masjed-al-Nabi in Medinna and talk to God with my soul in Mecca!

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